Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 10634
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 25/04/2024
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 26/04/2024
Sefydliad : Private Individual
Math y Cais : Private Individual
Categori : Information Technology

I would like to know if your organization has any active projects within digital transmission and the migration away from outdated end of life systems. If there is no active project, could you please advise when you would be looking to exercise this project I would also like to request who the appointed contact/ department would be in terms of the transformation


I would like to know if your organization has any active projects within digital transmission and the migration away from outdated end of life systems. If there is no active project, could you please advise when you would be looking to exercise this project. NIL There is no information recorded in relation to this. I would also like to request who the appointed contact/ department would be in terms of the transformation. 01685 725000