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Miss School. Miss Out!

  • Categories : Press Release , Council , Education , Schools
  • 21 Oct 2019
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Following on from Merthyr Tydfil’s first ever Attendance Week last year, we are delighted to be re-launching the campaign from 21 – 25 October 2019. 

We want to use this opportunity to remind everyone; pupils, parents, carers, teachers – the whole community – that school attendance matters!

Did you know?

  • Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses out on 10% of the school year
  • 80% attendance in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the equivalent of missing one entire year’s worth of schooling!

Councillor Lisa Mytton, MTCBC’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Learning, said: “School attendance is an essential part of a child’s journey.  It sets them in good stead for a successful future, whether that’s in to further education, an apprenticeship or straight in to the world work. 

“School can nurture a child’s natural aptitude towards certain skills or subjects and helps guide them to meet their full potential. 

“School also provides essential social skills, experiences and lasting friendships that stay with some their whole lives.” 

“90% of success is showing up!”

Sarah Bowen, MTCBC’s Inclusion Manager, said: “The aim of Attendance Week is to promote the importance of school and education for all.  Activities will be taking place throughout the schools in Merthyr Tydfil all week to help promote the importance of these. 

“Education is our number one priority and is at the heart of everything we do. We want to make sure the young people of Merthyr Tydfil are given the best start in life and we feel that a good education helps to provide that.”

So no matter how tempting it is to take a day off to buy those new school shoes, or taking regular term-time holidays; remember: Learning gives your child opportunities – don’t let them miss out!

Another Attendance Week will be taking place 16 - 20 December 2019.

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