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The Council’s response to Welsh Government Budget Settlement

  • Categories : Press Release
  • 13 Dec 2024

As Leader of this Council, I welcome Welsh Government’s commitment to supporting local government with an increase of over £253 million for 2025/26 in addition to funding announced for local government during the current financial year.

Like all other Councils, we will take time to consider and analyse the detail of the provisional local government settlement. The authority’s budget settlement, confirmed by Welsh Government on the 11th of December 2024, has increased by 5.1% and this will support us in continuing to deliver quality public services for the residents of Merthyr Tydfil. However, as a Cabinet, and even after taking into consideration the settlement being significantly better than we were expecting, we are fully aware that difficult decisions still have to be made to deliver a balanced budget for the next financial year.

As we move forward with the budget setting process, it is crucial for us to involve and communicate with our communities. We value the input and feedback from residents and businesses, and we understand the importance of transparency and inclusivity in decision-making, and want to ensure that the community's needs and priorities are taken into consideration.

It's been evident in the aftermath of storms Bert and Darragh just how crucial council services are. The response from these services has been instrumental in helping our communities recover and get back on their feet. From clearing debris and fallen trees, to restoring power and ensuring access to essential services, the council has played a vital role. This highlights the importance of having efficient and effective local government services in place to support and protect our communities during times of crisis.

It’s now more important than ever to have your say. Our Annual Budget Consultation is currently underway and can be accessed via the link below. Your participation and input are vital as we work towards setting a budget that reflects the needs of our community.



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