Food complaints
Each year the division receives a number of complaints from the public about foods which are apparently contaminated and each of these are investigated, often with advice from the local authority where the food is produced, to try and make sure that repeated contamination does not take place in the future.
Further information on food complaints can be found in our Food Complaint leaflet.
Reports of food borne illness and food poisoning are investigated. Please see our Infectious Disease - Investigation page for information.
In order to ascertain the quality of food sold in the borough, officers routinely submit hundreds of samples of food taken at random to the Public Health Laboratory Service for testing for contamination and where problems are found the causes are investigated and remedied.
If you want contact us about an unsatisfactory food product bought in Merthyr Tydfil or to advise us that a food premises was failing to maintain a satisfactory standard of hygiene please contact us.
In conjunction with our colleagues in Trading Standards and the Food Standards Agency, the food safety service also deals with national food alerts ensuring dangerous food produced elsewhere is removed from sale in Merthyr Tydfil.