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Record Ref : FOI 8393
Date Received : 04/01/2021
Date Completed : 01/02/2021
Organisation : Private Individual
Application Type : Private Individual
Category : Information Technology

1. Does your local authority host a website platform for local communities to access local events, clubs, sometimes referred to as ‘Community Information Directory’ (CID)? If yes, please state the website address. 2. Is this website provided in house, or external provider? If an external provider, what is the name of the provider? 3. If it’s provided by an external provider, what is the end date of the contract for this platform? 4. Does the local authority intend to commission this provision? Date when? 5. Which department in the Local Authority holds the budget for this provision? 6. Please give contact details for the above department? 7. What is the expenditure (£) on this platform in the following years 2016/ 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 8. What does this website include information on? 9. Does the website include information on SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) OR is there a separate platform for this information? if separate please state the website address. 10. Which Tender portal does the Local Authority use- please state the website address.


1. No 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10. N/A