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Record Ref : FOI 9578
Date Received : 18/10/2022
Date Completed : 15/11/2022
Organisation : Education Mutual
Application Type : Company
Category : Education Services

I write to request information regarding the Authority’s staff absence scheme for schools. Please kindly provide the following: • Does the Authority provide a staff absence scheme for schools? • If no, has the authority historically provided a scheme for schools and when did this cease? • If yes, is the scheme outsourced to another provider or delivered by the Authority? • If the scheme if outsourced to another provider, which provider is this and when does this agreement expire? Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority? • If the scheme is provided by the authority, can you please provide details of the scheme including: o Daily benefit amount reimbursed for each category of staff o Waiting period applied to each claim o Are there any exclusions to the scheme? If so, please provide details of this o Is the scheme open to Academies? o How is the price of the scheme determined for each school? o Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority? o Number of schools participating in the scheme o 2021 total contributions made to the scheme and 2021 total claims payments made from the scheme


• No • yes, it ceased approximately 10/12 years ago • Outsource, initially as one contract • Originally awarded to Best Insurance but individual schools now negotiate with companies directly, no Local Authority involvement • N/A o Determined by each individual school when they enter into agreement o Varies, depending on needs/cost to the school o N/A o N/A o Individual procurement process o N/A o Information not held o N/A