Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 10546
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 11/03/2024
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 09/04/2024
Sefydliad : Private Individual
Math y Cais : Private Individual
Categori : Education Services

Please provide the following information in two tables, one for primary and one for secondary. I would like the following information for the 2019-20 autumn term, 2021-22 autumn term and 2022-23 autumn term: 1. The number of children temporary excluded at least once, broken by primary and secondary school. 2. The number of these children with special educational needs (SEN) 3. The number of these children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Year Temporary SEN Temporary SEN with Exclusions Exclusions EHCP 19-20 21-22 22-23


We have considered your request and provide the information attached. In regards to question 3 EHCP are specific to England and are not applicable in Wales.