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Record Ref : EIR 1954
Date Received : 08/04/2024
Date Completed : 26/04/2024
Organisation : Private Individual
Application Type : Private Individual
Category : Energy and Fuel

How many private hire Vehicle Licences are currently issued by the authority in the following categories: 1.1. Private hire 1.1.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? 1.2. Hackney carriage/Taxi 1.2.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? 1.3. Executive vehicle 1.3.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? 2. How many Private Hire Vehicle Operator Licences are currently issued by the authority? 3. How many Private Hire Vehicle Driver Licences are currently issued by the authority in the following categories: 3.1. Private hire 3.2. Hackney carriage/Taxi 3.3. Please state details of any other licence categories offered by the Authority (e.g. dual category licences). 4. Please provide names of all businesses that currently hold Private Vehicle Operator Licences issued by the authority. 5. How many vehicles does the Authority own and/or operate within each of the following categories and how many of these have a registered capacity to carry wheelchair passengers: 5.1. M1 5.1.1. Total Number: 5.1.2. Of which are wheelchair accessible: 5.2. M2 5.2.1. Total Number: 5.2.2. Of which are wheelchair accessible: 5.3. M3 5.3.1. Total Number: 5.3.2. Of which are wheelchair accessible:


1.1. Private hire - 55 1.1.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? - 7 1.2. Hackney carriage/Taxi - 151 1.2.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? - 1 1.3. Executive vehicle – N/A 1.3.1. How many of these are classed as Wheelchair accessible vehicles? – N/A 2. How many Private Hire Vehicle Operator Licences are currently issued by the authority? - 23 3. How many Private Hire Vehicle Driver Licences are currently issued by the authority in the following categories: 3.1. Private hire - 130 3.2. Hackney carriage/Taxi - 203 3.3. Please state details of any other licence categories offered by the Authority (e.g. dual category licences). – N/A 4. Please provide names of all businesses that currently hold Private Vehicle Operator Licences issued by the authority. – please see attached list for names of private hire operator licence holders.