Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 8387
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 18/01/2021
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 15/02/2021
Sefydliad : Private Individual
Math y Cais : Company
Categori : Parks and Open Spaces

- Amount spent on decoration of green spaces, broken down by the following costs; trees, flowers, bedding, bulbs, shrubs, plants, plant pots and hanging baskets - Amount spent on green space maintenance, i.e. salary costs for groundskeepers, machinery and equipment maintenance etc. Please could you provide the data broken down separately over the following years: - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 (forecasted budget for 2021 but total spend in 2020, 2019)


We have considered your request and provide the information attached.