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Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 9394
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 29/06/2022
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 25/07/2022
Sefydliad : UK Parliment
Math y Cais : Central Government
Categori : School Meals

1./ How much has been spent on food to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in schools in your area? And how much is this an increase from last year’s spending? 2./ How many new kitchen staff have been hired and how much has that cost (with a breakdown if possible) to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in your area? 3./ How much has been spent on equipping school kitchens with greater capacity to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in your area?


1./ How much has been spent on food to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in schools in your area? And how much is this an increase from last year’s spending? The authority has been allocated £40k to prepare for the roll-out. Full costs towards this are still being incurred. Additional food costs are expected to be claimed back from WG during the roll-out from September 22 onwards. 2./ How many new kitchen staff have been hired and how much has that cost (with a breakdown if possible) to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in your area? No additional staff have yet been hired. 3./ How much has been spent on equipping school kitchens with greater capacity to accommodate the rollout of free school meals in your area? The authority’s allocation is £475,828. We are still in the process of spending this to adequately prepare the school kitchens for the roll out to all Foundation Phase learners in 22/23 and anticipate further spend to complete the roll out to all Key Stage 2 learners by September 2024.