Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 9588
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 24/10/2022
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 10/11/2022
Sefydliad : Private Individual
Math y Cais : Private Individual
Categori : Information Technology

1) The Name and email address of the Head of Digital Transformation in the council if such a role exists OR if that role does not exist 2) The name, job title and email address of the person responsible for digital transformation in the council


1)The Name and email address of the Head of Digital Transformation in the council if such a role exists OR if that role does not exist The role does not exist. 2) The name, job title and email address of the person responsible for digital transformation in the council. This is not the responsibility of one individual.