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Ref Received Question
FOI 10906 02/09/2024 I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 about Business Rates Accounts held by your Council: · Accoun...
EIR 2069 02/09/2024 Re: Daffodils Care Home, Merthyr Tydfil Please could you forward me a copy of latest food standards review report for the above care home
FOI 10911 03/09/2024 Re: Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation Regarding the council’s expenditure on interim temporary accommodation and related costs, as w...
FOI 10913 04/09/2024 1. What job evaluation scheme does your authority use to job evaluate posts? 2. Please provide a copy of the job evaluation schemes guidance on...
FOI 10914 04/09/2024 Please provide the following data on Elective Home Education (EHE): 1. The number of school pupils who were newly registered as EHE in the aca...
FOI 10915 05/09/2024 Re: Information on flooding incidents at council-run sports facilities. The flooding incidents should be in relation to weather-related incidents...
FOI 10916 05/09/2024 Re: Regarding your HR case management (HRCM) software. 1. Total number of employees 2. Number of HR Staff 3. What is your current HR case ma...
FOI 10917 05/09/2024 1. How many members of staff are in your planning department if at full capacity? 2. On average, during the year from 1 April 2023 to 31 Mar...
FOI 10920 05/09/2024 1. The total number of social housing tenants in your area from 2016 to 2023 (broken down by year), categorised by: o (a) Foreign-born household h...
FOI 10925 09/09/2024 1. How many children of compulsory school age are known to live in your LA as of 1st September 2024? 2. How many state school places for childre...