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About the Youth Mayor

Every year the Merthyr Tydfil Borough Wide Youth Forum (MTBWYF) elects a Deputy Youth Mayor, with the previous Deputy being officially inaugurated to the full office of Youth Mayor.

With the support of officers, the responsibilities of Youth Mayor, in addition to youth cabinet members roles & responsibilities shall include: -

  • To become the first Youth Citizen for the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil
  • Be the voice of all children and young people in Merthyr Tydfil
  • To shadow the Mayor in a number of pre-determined Civic duties, including Civic Carol Service; council AGM & inauguration of Mayor; Civic Sunday; Remembrance Sunday and any other as deemed appropriate.
  • To mentor and support the Deputy Youth Mayor in readiness for their term of office
  • To nominate an annual charity of their choice

In order to stand for the position of Deputy Youth Mayor, or to participate in the voting, any young person must first become a registered member of MTBWYF.

The youth forum believes that as many young people as possible should be given the opportunity to experience the responsibility of Civic Life, therefore MTBWYF members can hold the position of Deputy Youth Mayor / Youth Mayor only twice, with a minimum period of 2 years break between their terms of office.

Our goal in Merthyr Tydfil is for every young person to be aware of MTBWYF vision “It’s your voice, your choice!” “Giving All Children & Young People the Right to be Seen and Heard”.

The Youth Cabinet believe that Children have a right to be consulted about decisions which affect them.

In Merthyr Tydfil we are committed to the principle of the empowerment of Children & Young People in how we deliver all our Children and Young People’s services - and this is why we are fully committed to the office and position of Youth Mayor.

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