£3.9 Million Early Years and Childcare Capital funding awarded to develop 4 new childcare facilities in Merthyr Tydfil
- Categories : Press Release
- 06 Nov 2024

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has successfully secured Welsh Government funding of nearly £4 million from the ‘Early Years and Childcare Capital Programme’ to develop 4 new childcare provisions.
The facilities will be developed in areas where gaps in childcare provision was identified, with a strong focus on increasing the availability of Welsh medium childcare. The development of new Welsh medium early years provision aims to increase the number of children able to speak Welsh and support the Welsh Governments ambition of 1 million Welsh speakers across Wales by 2050.
It is proposed that over time, all 4 childcare facilities will offer Flying Start and Childcare Offer places as well as allowing parents to pay privately for childcare. Initially the childcare will be available for 2 and 3 year old children. Consideration will also be given to developing out of school and holiday provision for older children.
Each of the new settings will offer a range of services which will include Flying Start childcare. Flying Start offers high quality childcare which supports children’s learning and development and helps to lay a foundation before they start school. Children will have the opportunity to access a range of activities which will enhance their development. Staff will frequently communicate with parents/carers, so that learning can continue to be supported at home.
The 4 new developments will be located in the following areas:
A new Cylch Meithrin in the Trefechan area - this Welsh medium provision will be located in refurbished premises on “The Green” in Trefechan. It is proposed that the childcare provision will be operational by September 2025.
Cylch Meithrin on the Ysgol Santes Tudful Primary school site – Funding has been secured to develop a new build on the Ysgol Santes Tudful school site to accommodate a Cylch Meithrin. This provision will offer a seamless transition for those young children that will be accessing their school place at Ysgol Santes Tudful. It is proposed that the new provision will be registered for up to 24 children and aims to be operational by January 2026.
Cylch Meithrin on the Ysgol Rhyd y Grug Primary school site – Funding has been secured to develop an extension to the Ysgol Rhyd y Grug school to accommodate Cylch Meithrin Aberfan. The new extension of the school will be purpose built and will offer up to 24 childcare places through the medium of Welsh. The developments for the Cylch Meithrin are well underway and this project forms part of a larger school expansion scheme. It is hoped that the Cylch Meithrin will be operational by January 2026.
Pre-school provision on the new Goetre Primary school site – Funding has been secured to develop a new pre-school on the new Goetre Primary school site which will be situated next to the Pen-Y-Dre High school site. The provision will offer English language provision for up to 24 children and we hope that the pre-school will be operational by January 2027.
Cllr Gareth Lewis, Cabinet Member for Education commented: “We are committed to providing high-quality early years and childcare services to our community and are grateful for the support from Welsh Government.
“This investment will undoubtedly make a positive impact on families in the community by providing more accessible and high-quality childcare options. We are committed to supporting early years and childcare and I'm sure many families will benefit from these new facilities.”