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All Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone established

  • Categories : Press Release
  • 31 Jan 2025
bird flu

Welsh Government has announced that an AIPZ will apply from 00:01 on Thursday 30 January and remain in place until a reduction in risk levels indicates it is no longer required.

This zone introduces strict biosecurity measures for all bird keepers. This includes those who keep pet birds. The measures will help prevent the spread of avian influenza from wild birds or any other source.

The AIPZ does not include a requirement to house birds. However, this is being kept under constant review.

More information can be found here:

Written Statement: All Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (29 January 2025)

Avian influenza (bird flu): current restrictions

Keepers must also remain vigilant for signs of disease. Avian Influenza is a notifiable disease, and any suspicion should be reported immediately to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on 0300 303 8268.

Information on the requirements of the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone, guidance and latest developments will be available on the Welsh Government website.

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