Come along to our consultation shop!
- Categories : Press Release
- 06 Feb 2023
The Council has opened a ‘consultation shop’ in St Tydfil Shopping Centre to display plans and ask for people’s comments on a series of proposals over the coming months.
The shop opens today (Monday 6 February), and for the next two weeks will be the base for a current consultation on the redevelopment of the shopping centre.
“As part our 15-year town centre ‘Masterplan’, St Tydfil Shopping Centre will get a new look – and we’re asking people how they would like to see it change,” said Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration Cllr Geraint Thomas.
“We’re also going to remove the hoarding around the old bus station site and introduce an attractive, temporary, flexible scheme that will allow us time to plan and prepare for regeneration of the area as a whole.”
Initial funding for the redevelopment is being provided by the Welsh Government.
Among the ideas for ST2 are:
- a mix of shops, workplaces and places to live
- improved market facilities including additional street trading and pop-up opportunities
- more attractive and usable public open spaces
- more high quality food and drink venues
- more independent and start-up businesses
- the introduction of limited time car parking at Gillar and Castle Street
“We’d also be very interested in any other suggestions our residents, businesses and shoppers might have,” Cllr Thomas added. We’d like to hear what they would like to see long-term on the land between the new bus interchange and the Civic Centre - an area which for consultation purposes we are calling ‘ST2’.”
The consultation shops is open from 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday, until 17 February. Paper copies of the survey will be available at the shop and from the Civic Centre, or you can take part in the survey online at: