GCSE Results Day 2023
- Categories : Press Release
- 24 Aug 2023

Hundreds of young people and their families from across Merthyr Tydfil eagerly assembled at their schools this morning to receive their long-awaited GCSE results.
Cllr Geraint Thomas, Leader of the Council, said: "It was a privilege to visit schools this morning and share in the excitement and anticipation with the students and their families. I wish you all the best of luck with the next steps, whatever direction you choose to take.”
Sue Walker, Director of Education, commented: “I would like to say congratulations to our young students for their resilience, their strength, and the sheer determination to achieve their results today. I would also like to thank everyone involved in playing a vital part in supporting the young people through their GSCE journey, guiding them on their unique and individual path to achieving their future goals and ambitions.’’
Cllr Michelle Jones, Cabinet Member for Education, added: “I would like to congratulate the young people of Merthyr Tydfil who have received their results today. It was wonderful to share in their excitement this morning when visiting our schools. Whatever the outcome, you should be so pleased and proud of the hard work and effort you’ve all put in during your educational journey so far. Da iawn pawb.”