Glancing into the Future at Successful Careers Fair
- Categories : Press Release
- 20 Jul 2023

The College, Merthyr Tydfil was jam packed with employers on Monday 10 July 2023, as the Cyfarthfa Cluster Primary Schools and Cyfarthfa High School, joined together in partnership with The College and Careers Wales.
As part of their curriculum development work, the schools supported students in Years 6 and 7 to help them consider what they would like to do in the future.
Careers Work Related Education is a mandatory element of Curriculum for Wales and the Raising Aspirations, Raising Standards plan supports this fully through the establishment of the Business Education Together Partnership.
Over twenty employers, from a range of sectors, supported the Careers Fair, a culmination event of the work undertaken. The schoolchildren had the opportunity to speak to employers, ask questions, as well as try some practical activities, which gave them some ideas about the areas they may want to pursue in the future.
The Principality Building Society delivered a workshop which focused the young minds on financial skills, as well as giving an overview of the many roles within the Principality itself. The children worked together to look at household bills, as well as considering how they could save for the future.
Tarian ROCU who are part of the UK Cyber Crime team, delivered an engaging workshop looking at Cyber Crime and the type of roles they may experience in this field.
The Careers Fair was the first event of its kind targeted at primary transition age year groups. Many of the pupils already had some ideas about their future; employers gave them space for those dreams to grow and the next steps they may need to take.
The schools will now build on this year’s event, consider their transition arrangement for the next academic year and how to incorporate careers education across all Areas of Learning and Experience as part of the iterative process of their curriculum design.