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Merthyr Tydfil hits recycling target for eighth consecutive year

  • Categories : Press Release
  • 07 Dec 2023
Depot 06


Residents of Merthyr Tydfil recycled, composted, or re-used 64.8% of waste in the past year – surpassing the Welsh Government (WG) target of 64%!

Although we reduced the amount of waste we sent to Energy from Waste (EfW) last year, we collected less recyclables, so we all have to improve the amount of our waste that we recycle - especially our food waste. 

Councillor David Hughes, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “We’d like to thank our residents for their commitment to recycling.

“Our target for the coming year (2024/25) is 70%, so although we celebrate our achievement to date, we’re also appealing to residents to support us in reaching this ambitious goal that Welsh Government has set us.

“We have a lot of work to do to get to 70%, so please continue to separate and present your recyclables for collection on the weekly kerbside recycling schemes, and please ask for our support if you need it.

“Throughout all our work we continue working towards the ultimate target of becoming a zero-waste town by 2050.”

If you do not currently take part in the kerbside recycling services please contact us for advice:

01685 725000

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