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Council Tax Bands and Charges

For 2024/2025, the levels of Council Tax for a band D property are as follows:

Breakdown Cost
Merthyr Tydfil C.B.C: £1,974.61
The Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales: £352.67
Merthyr Charge: £2,327.28
Trelewis / Bedlinog Community Council: £33.28
Trelewis / Bedlinog Charge: £2,360.56

The following table shows the full Council Tax level for each valuation band. The Merthyr Tydfil charge is for all Parishes within the Merthyr Borough. Trelewis and Bedlinog have a local Community Council and therefore pay an additional premium within their Council Tax liability.

1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Bands Merthyr Tydfil Trelewis / Bedlinog
A £1,551.52 £1,573.71
B £1,810.11 £1,835.99
C £2,068.69 £2,098.27
D £2,327.28 £2,360.56
E £2,844.45 £2,885.13
F £3,361.62 £3,409.69
G £3,878.80 £3,934.27
H £4,654.56 £4,721.12
I £5,430.32 £5,507.97

What is Council Tax?

Council Tax helps pay for the services Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council provides for the people of Merthyr Tydfil

These services include:

  • Education
  • Social Services
  • Community centres
  • Street lighting
  • Refuse collection
  • Youth and sports centres
  • Libraries
  • Swimming pools

It also pays for our contribution towards:

  • Police
  • Fire and civil defence
  • Public transport
  • Rubbish and waste disposal 

How is the cost of my Council Tax worked out?

The normal Council Tax bill is based on 50% property element and 25% each for 2 (or more) people in residence.

Your Council Tax Demand is based on a banding determined by the Listing Officer. If you want further details about your banding, please contact:

The Listing Officer
Council Tax Wales
Valuation Office Agency
Tŷ Rhodfa
Tŷ Glas Road
CF14 5GR

Telephone Number: 03000 505505

How do I get more information?

For further information go to the Valuation Office Agency Website.

For all other Council Tax information please contact us on 01685 725000 or email: