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Report Benefit Fraud

How can I report benefit fraud?

Local Authority benefit fraud:  If you believe someone is committing Council Tax Reduction fraud, and or Housing Benefit fraud, you can report it here, by clicking the link below.

The information you provide is strictly confidential and you do not have to give your name unless you wish to.  However, for us to investigate benefit fraud, we do ask that you provide as much information as possible.

DWP Benefit Fraud.

If you believe someone is committing fraud whilst claiming the following benefits: Universal Credit, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance and or Disability Living Allowance, you can report it here to the Department for Works and Pension (DWP).

  • Report it online:
  • Report by phone: National Benefit Fraud Hotline: 0800 854 440, 0800 678 3722 (Cymraeg) or 0800 328 0512 (Text)
  • Report by post: NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston, PR1 1GP

You can make this report anonymously – you do not have to give your name or contact details but where possible, please give as much information as you can about the person you are reporting.

What happens after you report someone for fraud?

The amount of information you can give, will determine if the allegation is investigated further.  If a person is found to have committed a fraud, then action will be taken against them, such action can include removing their benefit and prosecuting them in court. 

Please note that due to data protection laws, we are unable to provide any feedback on any investigations.

Report Local Authority Fraud to the Council


Report Online 

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