Transport for ALN Pupils
Many pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN), a disability and/or a diagnosed medical condition will not have special transport needs, and their entitlement will be the same as for other pupils in mainstream schools. In these cases, the general school transport policy applies. (See sections 6-8, and 11)
Pupils with ALN, disability and/or a diagnosed medical condition who are unable to walk to their nearest suitable school due to their ALN, disability and/or medical condition may be entitled to transport subject to an individual needs assessment which will be undertaken by the local authority in liaison with other appropriate agencies, including Health.
When considering whether a pupil is able to walk to his or her nearest suitable school, account will be taken of whether it is reasonable to expect the pupil to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
The ‘nearest suitable school’ is the closest school by distance that meets the needs of the pupil as determined by the local authority, and where there is an available place. The local authority will also consider whether the designated walking route that pupils would be expected to take is ‘available’ i.e. that it is reasonably safe.
The specific transport provided will be determined by the local authority in accordance with the individual needs assessment undertaken.
If a child attends a preferred, alternative school i.e. not the nearest suitable school as determined by the local authority, but an alternative school that has been chosen by the parent/carer, then they will be responsible for taking their child to and from school.
All transport for pupils with ALN, a disability and/or a diagnosed medical condition will be subject to regular review, and the specific period of review will be determined in each case by the local authority and will be at least annually.
It is the responsibility of the pupil`s parent/carer to inform the local authority of any changes to the pupil`s needs and/or medical condition so that the ongoing requirement for transport can be reviewed.
Five school days are required to set up or change a transport arrangement for pupils with ALN, a disability and/or a medical condition, following the awarding of transport by the local authority.