The Role of a School Governor
What is a Governor?
Governors are volunteers who work closely with the Headteacher and school staff and are part of the overall leadership and management. The governing body helps govern the school framework and the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management.
Together they are responsible for managing the school budget, recruitment of staff, maintaining links with parents and the community and promoting high standards of educational achievement.
Make a difference and become a School Governor
Being a school governor allows you to make your school better and in doing so, make a difference to children’s lives and their prospects for the future. This is what drives most governors, but there are also other benefits.
Rewards of being a Governor
- The opportunity to develop new skills and undertake free training provided by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and the Central South Consortium on various aspects of your role as a governor.
- The knowledge that you have played a part in improving children’s education and supported the school’s staff.
- The opportunity to work as part of a team.
- The opportunity to gain a sense of achievement as an active member of the community.
- The opportunity to improve your negotiation, questioning, conflict resolution time management and financial skills.
What are the Different Categories of Governor?
- Community Governors are appointed by the Governing Body to represent the community. They should live or work in the community served by the school.
- Local Authority (LA) Governors are appointed by the Local Authority.
- Parents Governors are voted onto the Governing Body by other parents and are usually parents of children who attend the school.
- Teacher & Staff Governors are elected by the relevant staff within the school.
- Foundation Governors are appointed by the organisation that set up the school to represent their interests.
- Minor Authority Governor - in some areas where Minor Authorities exist an additional representative serves on the Governing Body.
How we support School Governors
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council offers support through the Governor Support Team. The Governor Support Team provides a clerking service for Primary, Secondary and Special Schools. This experienced team provides high quality advice and support to the governing bodies, together with a comprehensive training programme.
A governor’s term of office lasts for four years. You would be expected to attend three Governing Body meetings per year, one each term.