Manage your Business Rates account online
Why manage your account online?
You can:
- View up to date account information for all properties you are responsible for
- View your previous Bills and Notifications
- Update your Contact Details
- Opt in for Electronic Billing and view them online
- Contact us directly about your account(s)
- Tell us that you have moved business premises
- Set up or amend a direct debit
Register for an Account
To register for this service, you will need:
- Your Account reference number
- The Property Postcode
- A valid email address
- Contact telephone number
Setup a Direct Debit
This is a quick and easy way to pay your Business Rates. If you choose to pay by Direct Debit you will be offered three dates on which to make your payment (the 1st, 10th or 20th of the month) and also have the option to pay over 10 or 12 months.
To set up a Direct Debit you will need your Business Rates account number and your Bank or Building Society Account details.
Tell us that you have moved business premises
To tell us that your business has taken on new premises, occupied a non-domestic property or moved out of a business premises
Find the Rateable Value of a Business Rates property
Are you a landlord or agent?
Tell us if a tenant has moved business premises