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Record Ref : FOI 7507
Date Received : 28/08/2019
Date Completed : 25/09/2019
Organisation : BBC
Application Type : Media
Category : Education Services

1. I would be grateful if you could provide the latest available figures covering the period from 2016 until now; for the number of school age children in your authority recorded as Code B (educated offsite). Please exclude children on vocational courses and on work experience. I would like the figures broken down by school year please. 2. Please breakdown by: i) Primary aged children, years 1 – 6 ii) secondary aged children, years 7 - 11 3. Further could you specify if any schools (of all types) are not required to inform the authority when they categorise a child as educated offsite? 4. Have Ofsted issued any formal warnings to providers of Alternative Provision responsible for children funded by the authority. If, yes, please name the providers? 5. Please provide a list of AP providers known to the authority. 6. Could you please inform me as to whether it is the authority or the schools that fund alternative provision for children designated as Code B? If the authority pays for alternative provision does the school cease to receive funding for that child?


1. Please See Attached 2. Please see attached 3. All schools should inform the Authority if they are categorising a pupil as educated off site. 4. No 5. Merthyr College; Special Tuition (New Directions / Equity); Inspire 2 Achieve (I2A); 6. The schools would continue to receive the AWPU funding. If the AP was arranged by the school then they would pay the whole cost. For provisions organised by the local authority, the LA would recoup the AWPU costs on a pro rata basis (daily rate of the AWPU) and the LA would pay the additional costs.