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Record Ref : FOI 7509
Date Received : 28/08/2019
Date Completed : 25/09/2019
Organisation : Limited
Application Type : Private Individual
Category : Council Employees

1. Does your council use the principle of anonymous CVs in hiring candidates to work at the council? This is where the hiring manager does not receive the name of the candidate, merely the application to review - to remove biases. Some more information is available here 2. If your council does use anonymous CVs do you do any work to promote employers in your area to also take up the practice? 3. In the area you serve what percentage of the population BME? 4. Among your directly employed staff what percentage of your workforce is BME?


1. No 2. N/A 3. As a Council we do not corporately collect this information. 4. As part of the Council’s Annual Equality Report we publish equality workforce data on Council staff. The Council’s Annual Equality Report for 2017-18 can be accessed on the Council’s website by following the link: