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Record Ref : FOI 7514
Date Received : 30/08/2019
Date Completed : 27/09/2019
Organisation : Anglia Research
Application Type : Company
Category : Public Health Funerals

1. Has the Council conducted any ‘Public Health Act Funerals since 25/7/19 to the present (the day you respond to this request)? 2. If the answer to this question is yes, please disclose: a) The full names of the deceased b) The date of birth of the deceased c) The date of death of the deceased d) The last known address of the deceased e) Whether the details of the deceased, have been/will be or are likely to be referred to the Government Legal Department (if you are not sure then can you just answer that field ‘unsure, or unknown’ or words to that effect). 3. Have there been any similar FOI requests as this within the time scale outlined in question 1? 4. Has the Council given this information away to any other individual or organisation outside the parameters of FOI (other than the Government Legal Department or internally) within the time scale outlined in question 1?


1. No 2. N/A 3. Yes 4. No