Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 7950
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 27/04/2020
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 12/06/2020
Sefydliad : Yokeru
Math y Cais : Company
Categori : Adults Social Care

1. The population size of your Local Authority Area. 2. The population size of the over 18's in your Local Authority Area. 3. The population size of the over 65's in your Local Authority Area. 4. The number of customers in your Local Authority area who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service including those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 5. The number of customers aged between 18 and 64 years who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service excluding those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 6. The number of customers aged 65 years and over who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service excluding those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 7. If you are operating a service provision of digital Assistive Technology (i.e. smart digital devices such as Amazon Alexa, Internet of Things Devices etc) what has been the total number of clients referred in to this service in the age range 18 to 64 and the over 65's since it’s the programme’s inception to date. Please provide the operational dates of this service. 8. If you are operating a service provision of digital Assistive Technology is this service provided internally (i.e. by the Council) or is it outsourced to a specialist private company? 9. What has been the total number of customers in the age range of 18 to 64 years and 65 years and over who received smart digital devices following an assessment of need. If this information is not available by age range can you state how many individuals in total have received the provision of smart devices since the inception of the service to date. 10. What has been the total number of customers signposted away from Adult Social Care to purchase their own smart digital devices during the operational dates of the service. 11. Please provide the number of clients who received a reduced care package than they otherwise would have following a social care assessment and the provision of smart digital devices. 12. The average annual saving per client 13. The average cost of providing smart digital devices per household. 14. During the period identified in bullet point 7 please provide the actual amount of reduction in the deficit of the social care budget made during this period through the reduction of: home care visits to existing clients, the delay in admissions to 24 hour care and the avoidance of Short Break Care provision due to the provision of smart digital devices. 15. Could you please supply this information in a format that clearly illustrates a comparison month by month of the number of clients referred in for this service, the numbers accepted for assessment, the numbers receiving smart devices, the cost per client of the equipment, the cost of the traditional social care support they would have received without the provision of the smart devices and the cost of the community care support they received following the provision of the smart devices. i.e. the cost of community care for the client without providing the smart devices and the cost of the community care package for the same client with the provision of smart devices. 16. The total cost of the smart digital equipment purchased during the period you identified in bullet point 7. 17. How many people in your area are in receipt of a Telecare service. 18. What is the average cost per deployment of the Telecare equipment across your Local Authority.


1. The population size of your Local Authority Area.County Borough is 60,183. For the original data please click here 2. The population size of the over 18's in your Local Authority Area. The population data as published on Stats Wales offers age breakdown in different categories to those specified The current recorded population of Merthyr Tydfil so I’m only able to provide the number of young people aged 0-16 years and not 0-18 years. This data shows that there are 11,553 children and young people aged 0-16 years. For the original data on StatsWales, please click here 3. The population size of the over 65's in your Local Authority Area. The population data as published on Stats Wales offers data showing the number of people aged 65 years and over is 11,224. For the original data on StatsWales, please click here 4. The number of customers in your Local Authority area who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service including those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 419 (please note this figure does not include those in receipt of traditional telecare services only, the telecare information is not available). 5. The number of customers aged between 18 and 64 years who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service excluding those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 121 (This includes all Dom Care services, Day Services, Intermediate) this does not include single item equipment. 6. The number of customers aged 65 years and over who are in receipt of a community care and support service from your Adult Social Care service excluding those in receipt of traditional telecare services only. 298 (explanation as per Q5 above). 7. If you are operating a service provision of digital Assistive Technology (i.e. smart digital devices such as Amazon Alexa, Internet of Things Devices etc) what has been the total number of clients referred in to this service in the age range 18 to 64 and the over 65's since it’s the programme’s inception to date. Please provide the operational dates of this service. Currently we do not operate these devices. 8. If you are operating a service provision of digital Assistive Technology is this service provided internally (i.e. by the Council) or is it outsourced to a specialist private company? We do not provide this service. 9. What has been the total number of customers in the age range of 18 to 64 years and 65 years and over who received smart digital devices following an assessment of need. If this information is not available by age range can you state how many individuals in total have received the provision of smart devices since the inception of the service to date. We do not provide this service. 10. What has been the total number of customers signposted away from Adult Social Care to purchase their own smart digital devices during the operational dates of the service. 5% 11. Please provide the number of clients who received a reduced care package than they otherwise would have following a social care assessment and the provision of smart digital devices. We do not hold this information on our system. 12. The average annual saving per client. Not available. 13. The average cost of providing smart digital devices per household. We do not provide this service. 14. During the period identified in bullet point 7 please provide the actual amount of reduction in the deficit of the social care budget made during this period through the reduction of: home care visits to existing clients, the delay in admissions to 24 hour care and the avoidance of Short Break Care provision due to the provision of smart digital devices. N/A 15. Could you please supply this information in a format that clearly illustrates a comparison month by month of the number of clients referred in for this service, the numbers accepted for assessment, the numbers receiving smart devices, the cost per client of the equipment, the cost of the traditional social care support they would have received without the provision of the smart devices and the cost of the community care support they received following the provision of the smart devices. i.e. the cost of community care for the client without providing the smart devices and the cost of the community care package for the same client with the provision of smart devices. N/A 16. The total cost of the smart digital equipment purchased during the period you identified in bullet point 7. We do not provide this service. 17. How many people in your area are in receipt of a Telecare service. They don’t class telecare as smart/digital devices. 18. What is the average cost per deployment of the Telecare equipment across your Local Authority. No cost for Telecare however there is a fee of £2.50 per week contribution for the 24/7 operation line in Lifeline that the client is charged for .