Ar-lein, Mae'n arbed amser

Cofnod Datgeliadau

Cofnod Datgeliadau Chwilio

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r safle ar gyfer hidlo'r canlyniadau chwilio foi.

Defnyddiwch y rhan hon o'r wefan i weld Bas Data cofnod datgeliadau'r Awdurdod.

Cofnod Cyf : FOI 9884
Dyddiad Dderbyniwyd : 20/03/2023
Dyddiad Cwblhau : 19/05/2023
Sefydliad : Childrens Society
Math y Cais : Company
Categori : Child Protection

1. When placing a child who is looked after out of their ‘home’ local authority area, do you complete and share the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol with the local authority in whose area the child or young person will be placed? 2. When receiving a child who is looked after out of their ‘home’ local authority area, do you receive from the ‘placing’ local authority the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol? 3. Do you complete a Child Information Form for a child who is placed out of area, and share the Child Information Form with the local authority in whose area who are placing the child? Is this done before or after the placement is made? 4. Do you receive the Child Information Form from the local authority who is placing a child in your local authority area? Is this done before or after the placement is made? 5. If you complete only the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol, do you include information that is in addition to that which is requested in the Form? Specifically, information about specific risks faced by the child who is being placed out of area, or whether the child has a history of going missing? 6. If you receive from the ‘placing’ local authority only the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol, does it include information that is in addition to that which is requested in the Form? Specifically, information about specific risks faced by the child who is being placed out of area, or whether the child has a history of going missing? 7. If placing a child who has a history of missing episodes, do you discuss with the local authority in whose area the child is to be placed arrangements for responding when the child goes missing? For example, who is responsible for offering the child a return home interview, and who is responsible for conducting the return home interview? Are these decisions captured on the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol form, the Child Information Form, or both? 8. If you are receiving a child who has a history of missing episodes, do you discuss with the local authority who is placing the child in your area arrangements for responding when the child goes missing? For example, who is responsible for offering the child a return home interview, and who is responsible for conducting the return home interview? Are these decisions captured on the Wales Out of Area Notification Protocol form, the Child Information Form, or both? 9. Do you share with the local authority, in whose area a child will be placed, the child’s care and support plan so as to inform the local authority receiving the child about any specific risks faced by that child? 10. Does the local authority who places a child in your local authority area share with you the child’s care and support plan so as to inform you about any specific risks faced by that child?


1. Yes – this is completed as soon as a child is placed out of area so the hosting local authority is made aware of a child in their area. 2. Yes – the responsible local authority will complete to inform us and these children are discussed as part of our MAPP panel. 3. A Wales out of area notification is completed and sent by the LACES team following placement. 4. A Wales out of area notification is received following placement. 5. No – however, these would be shared should there be the need for a safeguarding referral / strategy discussion. 6. As above 7. As above, however, as the hosting local authority, should the missing episode take place within our area then we would hold the missing persons’ strat and the decision as to who would take the lead in any IAA / S47 / return home interview would be agreed at this meeting. 8. As above and in addition the return home interview would be undertaken by the hosting local authority missing person’s unit located, this would be captured on the Wales out of area notification form. If a Child Information Form is completed, this information would also be included. 9. No – the care and support plan is not shared with the hosting local authority, however, information would be shared as part of any strategy discussion if needed. 10. No – the care and support plan is not shared with us as the hosting local authority as would be the usual process in most circumstances, however, there may be individual instances where this would be considered an appropriate course of action.