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Record Ref : FOI 8967
Date Received : 22/11/2021
Date Completed : 20/12/2021
Organisation : Private Individual
Application Type : Private Individual
Category : Council Tax Contributions

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the total value of council tax credits (£) for the council between the financial years 2015-2020 as well as the total number of accounts in credit that make up all the credits in the same period. Please provide the information in the form of a simple table like the example below: Financial Year Number of Accounts Total Credits (£) 2015/16 e.g. 508 e.g. £54,678.09 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 If it is not possible to provide a breakdown of credits by financial year and they are instead only recorded on a rolling basis could I get the total value of current credits (£) and the total number of accounts in credit as of the current date.


We have considered your request and provide the information attached.