Have Your Say
Take part in Consultations, Surveys and Have Your Say on Council Services.
All surveys are available in paper format, large print and Welsh language on request.
Please email corporate.communications@merthyr.gov.uk
Library Opening Hours Consultation 2025
Library Opening Hours across Merthyr Tydfil are being reviewed, so that library services remain supportive to local communities, and as efficient as possible. We are proposing changes to opening hours to help us maximise library usage.
Budget consultation 2025/26 results
Thank you to everyone who took the time to have their say on this year’s Budget Consultation – we had over 1,500 residents participate this year, which is our highest number yet.
The Council's Communications & Engagement Strategy
This strategy has been developed to explain the way in which the Council communicates with residents, partners, businesses and all our other key audiences
The Council's Participation Strategy
This strategy sets out our approach to encouraging two-way communications and making the process of influencing decision making more accessible.
The Petition Process including how to Submit a Petition.
Join our Citizens Panel
We are developing a new citizen’s panel and are inviting local residents to join us and play a part in improving the lives of those working and living in our County Borough.
Local Democracy Portal
Democracy Wales, a portal to help you find out more about and get involved with local and national matters.