Voting by Post
Voting by post is an easy and convenient way of voting without having to go to a polling station. Postal votes or proxy votes (where someone votes on your behalf) are available to anyone who is registered to vote.
How does postal voting work?
Your ballot paper, together with a postal vote statement, will be sent to your registered address a week or so before an election.
You will need to provide your date of birth and signature on the statement, and complete your vote in the normal way by marking a cross. Return both the statement and ballot paper in the prepaid envelope provided.
We will match your date of birth and signature against the details you supplied on your application form. This prevents fraud and protects your vote. If there is a genuine reason why you cannot provide your normal signature you may be granted a waiver but you will still need to supply your date of birth.
If you decide to register as a postal voter you cannot vote in person at a polling station.
Applying to vote by post
If you are already registered to vote you can apply to vote by post.
If you wish to apply for a new postal vote or change an existing postal vote, requests must be received no later than 5pm eleven working days before polling day.
Requesting a postal vote to a different address
If you want your ballot paper sent to a different address you will need to apply no later than 5pm eleven working days before polling day.
Postal votes can be sent to an address outside of the UK, but you should bear in mind the length of time taken to deliver and return your voting papers in time for the election.