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Report a Street that needs Cleaning

Step 1 of 6

Which type of street cleaning is required?

Please note: we can only act on requests for cleaning on Council owned property or land.

Step 2 of 6
Tell us where the street that needs cleaning is
Step 3 of 6

What are your contact details?

Step 4 of 6

What is your address?

Do you live in the borough?
Step 5 of 6

Report summary

Name :

Email :

Address :

Location :

Street cleaning requested :

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is committed to upholding your privacy rights. We will only use your personal information for lawful purposes. If you would like to find out more about how we use your personal information please read our privacy notices which are available on our website. If you have any concerns or would like to know more about data protection compliance please contact our Data Protection officer on 01685 725000 or

Step 6 of 6

Report submitted

We will send you a confirmation email

If you haven't received an email check your junk, bulk or spam mail folder to see if emails are being routed to it.

What happens next?

We’ve sent your report to our Environmental Cleansing and Enforcement Team.

An Officer will aim to investigate your report as soon as possible.

When to contact us

If you have made a mistake or need to change something in your report.

Thank you for taking the time to visit