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Business Education Together Partnership Launch Event this January!

  • Categories : Press Release
  • 17 Jan 2024

The Business Education Together Partnership is gathering pace in Merthyr Tydfil with the aim of raising the aspirations of our children and young people. We know that it is only through collaboration and partnership working, with targeted resources and support, that we can raise our outcomes and enable people to grow and reach their potential.

This is such an exciting time for the partnership, as we come together to formally launch our approach at The College, Merthyr Tydfil on Wednesday 31 January. Over 80 businesses, local, national, and international, will join us and help inspire our learners to ‘be the best that they can be’.

The Partnership has already engaged in a range of events and supported schools in their curriculum approaches. During the launch schools will be presenting their journey, and our partners will talk about the mutual benefits of engaging in this increasingly important agenda. Further events are planned in the New Year, including Welsh skills and employment, International Women’s Week, as well as the start of mentoring programmes.

Schools, businesses and employers will have the opportunity to shape our next steps through some focused discussions and engagement opportunities. Our work is targeted at all young people, from the age of three years and over. Our pathways into work colleagues, as well as Careers Wales and The College, Merthyr Tydfil are key partners in supporting young people into higher and further education as well as the workplace. In the afternoon of the event, there will be an opportunity for all to see the Welsh Skills Competition in action, hosted by The College, Merthyr Tydfil.

If you are a business or employer interested in supporting this great partnership, please get in touch with and pledge your support through our SEAL!

For more information please visit SEAL - Schools Employers Aspiring Learners (

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