Local landlords invited to online forum
- Categories : Press Release
- 22 Apr 2022

Local landlords are being invited to attend an online meeting with Council and Welsh Government officers to learn about changes in law and private sector rental trends that could affect them.
The next meeting of Merthyr Tydfil Landlord Forum, held in partnership with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, will take place via Microsoft Teams next Thursday, 28 April.
The Forum is aimed at landlords who own and rent out residential properties in Merthyr Tydfil or neighbouring local authority areas.
It gives Council staff the opportunity to support and inform landlords about key legislative policy and changes in the private rented sector, and to promote good practice.
It also provides a voice for landlords to raise issues that concern them and their businesses and an opportunity to network.
Simon White of Welsh Government will talk about the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, and Gill Owens of the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) will speak on ‘Insights and trends in the private rented sector market’.
Local housing officers will conclude the meeting with an overview of the Private Sector Leasing scheme and a discussion on other relevant matters.
The meeting will take place from 10am-12pm. Anyone interested in attending this or future fora should contact MTCBC Private Rented Sector Officer Craig Hughes on 07598 404368 or email craig.hughes@merthyr.gov.uk to book a place.