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School street closed to motorists in safety campaign trial

  • Categories : Press Release
  • 12 May 2023
Goetre School

A school street in Merthyr Tydfil will be temporarily closed to traffic next week as part of a trial for plans to improve road safety in the areas.

The road outside Goetre Primary School will shut during peak drop-off and pick-up times to help children access school safely, promote active travel and reduce air pollution.

The County Borough Council has received a Welsh Government Safe Routes in Communities Grant for a feasibility study as part of the 'School Streets' scheme.

“Roads around school gates are often dominated by cars during school drop-off and pick-up times and it’s important that the area within the immediate vicinity is safe and accessible for everyone,” said Council Leader Cllr Geraint Thomas.

“We’re implementing trial measures outside Goetre Primary to ensure pupils’ safety when arriving and leaving school,” he added. “We also want to encourage children and their families to walk or cycle to school.”

Motor vehicles will not be allowed to drive along Rowan Way – please see plan - from May 15-19 inclusive, from 8.30-9.30am and from 2.30-3.30pm.

The temporary closures will have traffic cones or other temporary measures and will be staffed by Council officers. During this time, access will be given via a barrier to school staff, residents and emergency vehicles.

“Parents’ co-operation during this time is required and appreciated,” said Cllr Thomas. “The measures will be monitored to determine their success as part of the delivery of School Streets across the county borough, with other schools trialled this year if the pilot’s successful.”



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