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Schools, care homes and council buildings switching to energy-saving technology

  • Categories : Press Release , Council
  • 15 Nov 2021

Over the past five months over 4000 inefficient light fittings have been upgraded to low energy LED lighting and 600 Solar Panels have been installed on MTCBC buildings and schools as part of the council’s commitment to Welsh Government’s ambition for the public sector to be Carbon Neutral by 2030.

This has all been possible thanks to WG’s REFIT Cymru, a project which aims to optimise the energy efficiency of properties, improve the condition of our schools, reduce C02 emissions and save money.

On top of the savings the buildings will also benefit from electrical and mechanical upgrades, resulting in an improved learning and working environment and more comfortable conditions. Installations include: 

  • 30 x LED Lighting Upgrades
  • 9 x Solar PV systems
  • smart heating and hot water systems
  • loft insulation


This Project is estimated to save £136,000 per year and reduce Carbon Emissions from buildings by 251 tonnes per year.

In addition to the buildings project, we are piloting the use of electric vehicles and have installed energy efficient streetlights. We are also working with an Energy Specialist to help prepare a Council plan and road map that will enable us to play our role in the 2030 target.

Councillor David Hughes, Portfolio Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “We all have a part to play in Decarbonisation and preserving our planet for future generations. These may seem like small steps, but they will go a long way to making the council Carbon Neutral and realising Welsh Government’s target.

“The additional benefits of improved learning and working conditions means that not only are we doing the right thing for the environment, but our young people and workers will start seeing the benefits of these changes immediately.

“As a council we are committed to Decarbonisation.”

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