Treharris Library Refurbishment
- Categories : Press Release
- 02 Mar 2022
At tonight’s Full Council meeting, it was agreed as part of the Capital Programme for 2022/23 to 2025/26 that funding would be made available for the refurbishment of Treharris Library.
The Leader, Councillor Mytton said: “In the past month, the Council has held two internal meetings which were focussed primarily on the redevelopment of the facility and also how the Council proposes to fund the works. Evidentially, the Council believe that we now have a structured plan which we will implement with immediate effect. The Council’s Property Services Team has developed a cost plan to the value of £750,000 for the redevelopment. It is proposed that the project will be financed from the Council’s Capital Programme with a financial profile of £500,000 being spent in 2022/23 and the remaining £250,000 in 2023/24.”
The cost profile was discussed at a Cabinet meeting last week with the recommendation for it to be approved at Full Council. The Council are currently developing our tender documents and specifications which will need CADW consent prior to issue. Furthermore, there is a need for the Council to undertake both a bat and ecology survey on the building which cannot take place until May / June this year. Once a suitable developer is found we should be able to update residents of the potential timeframes for the redevelopment.