Blue Reusable Recycling Sack
Use this service to request a Blue Reusable Recycling Sack.
Collected every week.
- Plastic bottles e.g. milk, drink, shampoo bottles
- Food containers - e.g. yoghurt pots, margarine tubs
- Food trays (e.g. ready meal trays)
- Punnets
- Foil trays and containers (free from food)
- Food and drink cans
- Aerosols (empty)
- Plastic bags (including carrier bags, bread bags, frozen food bags, etc)*
- Plastic film/cling film/wrappers e.g. sweet and biscuit wrappers*
- Crisp packets/paper backed foil e.g. foil pouches*
- Bubble wrap*
- CD/DVD and video cases**
- Polystyrene**
- Toys and other hard plastic** (take to charity shop if still working)
- Coat hangers**
- Plant pots**
Spray paint, gas canisters**
Please make sure all containers are rinsed and free from food.
* Use your wheelie bin
** Take to Household Recycling Centre