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Bins and Recycling

The seasonal kerbside garden waste collections service will end on Friday 29 November 2024 and resume on Monday 31 March 2025. Green garden waste is accepted at the Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) year round.

Check your Collection Day

Find out your bin collection day.

Keeping up with the Joneses

If you're not recycling then being the odd one out could cost you £300.

How to Recycle Correctly

Help us recycle by putting the right material in the right container or bin.

How to order recycling, food, and garden waste containers

Request a Replacement Wheeled Bin, Recycling Container or Sack.

Household Recycling Centres

Find your nearest Household Recycling Centre.

Request a Bulky Item Collection

Collection service for items you are unable to recycle or dispose of in your wheeled bin.

Request a Clinical Waste Collection

The Council will collect certain clinical waste from residents of Merthyr Tydfil.

Apply for Assisted Collection

Find out about assisted collections and how to apply.

Apply for a Larger Capacity Bin

Find out how to request a larger capacity bin.

Report a Missed Bin or Recycling Collection

If your bin has not been collected then let us know.


Don’t throw your broken items away, get them repaired!

Kerbside household battery collections

You can now recycle used household batteries at the kerbside as part of your weekly recycling scheme in small purple battery recycling bags provided by the Council.

Book a Christmas tree Collection

Book a Christmas tree Collection

Waste Policies and Reports

Our Current Waste Policies

Reuse / Waste prevention

Don’t dump it – Donate it!

Real Nappies

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is committed to encouraging residents to reduce their waste, to help to protect the environment and to offer information and services that benefit residents. That is why it is promoting real nappies.

Paint Reuse

Paint donations can now be taken to the HRC in Dowlais.