Are you keeping up with the Joneses?
Keeping up with the Joneses is a campaign to ensure that every household in Merthyr Tydfil recycles. It targets the small minority of people who don’t recycle at all or who recycle very little.
Households which don’t start recycling could face a £300 fine.
Most people already recycle; it’s only fair that everyone does
Most people in Merthyr recycle, but if we are to reach our target of 66% recycling in 2020-2021 and work towards achieving Welsh Governments target of 70% by 2024-2025, EVERYBODY needs to do their bit. It’s not fair on the majority of residents who do the right thing if a minority of households don’t pull their weight.
Recycling rates have risen significantly in the past decade, thanks to improved recycling services and communications campaigns which highlight that people should recycle.
Whilst some material ends up in the wrong bag or bin because a few residents make an honest mistake, or they’re unaware of all the items that can be recycled, there are households that have so far resisted all attempts to engage with recycling. They fail to deal with their waste properly. Therefore, a new approach is needed to change the behaviour of these households and ensure that they comply with the recycling policy.
If you’re not recycling now, it’s time to begin. We can help you.
If you don’t start recycling you could risk a £300 fine or a day in court