Do you need Consumer Advice?
Consumer advice is provided by Citizens Advice Consumer Service who offer free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues. Their website provides lots of information and advice about what your rights are and how to take action.
You can get advice on:
- goods that are faulty, not fit for their purpose, or described incorrectly
- services that have not been carried out with reasonable care and within a reasonable time or for an acceptable price
- what to do if you think you have been scammed
If the website does not provide you with an answer to your problem, you can contact them through their online enquiry form or call 0808 223 1133.
Consumer Advice is only available from the Citizens Advice Consumer Services via telephone or online, there is no drop in facility at the Civic Centre.
If the matter has to be referred for Trading Standards attention this will be done electronically by the Citizens Advice Consumer Services.
Other advice available
Online Consumer Advice information can be found on the Trading Standards Wales website.