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Winter Weather Emergencies

In the event of any closures or changes to services due to adverse weather, this page will be amended and updated with relevant details and the last update date.

Winter weather of snow and ice can cause disruption to services, transport and affect access to communities within Merthyr Tydfil.

The Highways Department has drawn up a Winter Maintenance Plan which covers Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s response to winter weather, specifically low temperatures and heavy snowfall.

The aim of the plan is to facilitate and coordinate Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s assistance to Merthyr Tydfil’s communities during winter weather.

Take a look and some of the Met Office's Weather Ready tips and advice on how to be prepared for all types of weather.

Contact Us

During regular working hours call 01685 725000.

The Council’s Out of Hours and Emergency telephone number is 01685 385231. 

Social Media

Where you can view all our latest updates, on:

Clearing snow and ice

If you notice a grit bin that needs filling, please use our online form to request a refill.

Recycling and Refuse Collections

During adverse weather conditions, we will continually review the situation in relation to our refuse and recycling collections.

On occasions, collections may have to be suspended. As soon as it is safe to resume our rounds, we will continue with normal collections with catch-ups in between.

Social Care & Welfare Services

If that if you have an urgent or emergency issue, you can contact the Council's Emergency Duty Team 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week on 01443 743665.


In adverse weather conditions, each school is responsible for updating the status of their school.  To access this information, please click on the following link:

Public Transport

For information in relation to public transport, you are advised to contact the relevant companies directly with regards to disruption of services during periods of bad weather.