Online, Saves Time


​We aim to safeguard and support anyone that is at risk of radicalisation, before a crime is committed.

Radicalisation is when someone is encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs that support terrorist groups and activities. In some cases, a person or group manipulate someone’s susceptibilities. At other times, radicalisation is driven by ideological beliefs. People can also self-radicalise online.

Radicalisation can happen to anyone which is why it is important to build resilience and awareness in our communities. We work in partnership with:

  • schools, 
  • colleges, 
  • the police, 
  • community organisations, 
  • charities, and
  • front line professionals, such as healthcare practitioners and social workers. 

Our objectives

There are 3 key objectives from the National Prevent Strategy:

  1. Tackle the ideological causes of terrorism.
  2. Intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation.
  3. Enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate.


Channel is Prevent’s early intervention safeguarding programme.

Channel provides bespoke support to children and adults that are at risk of radicalisation. The support offered could include: 

  • mentoring, 
  • theological and ideological guidance, 
  • education, and 
  • career help. 

Channel is voluntary and confidential. People who are referred must give consent before we can give them support. If the person is under 18, a parent or guardian can give consent for them.​

If you are worried about someone being radicalised

If you are worried about someone (of any age) being radicalised, or that they are becoming involved in or supporting extremism or terrorism, please share your concerns so the person can get support.

You can find guidance and support on GOV.UK website.

How to make a referral 

If you have concerns about someone becoming radicalised, please complete the All Wales Prevent Partners referral form. If you see anything suspicious, please call: 

  • Police on 999
  • National Anti-Terrorist Helpline on 0800 789 321

What happens next 

If there is a genuine risk of the person being radicalised, the case will be referred to the Channel Panel. The Channel Panel is made up of professionals who assess the case and decide what bespoke support can be offered to the person. 

Reporting something you have seen online

If you have seen illegal or harmful information, pictures, or videos on the internet, you can report the online material on GOV.UK

Information from other organisations

You can find more information and advice from different organisations and agencies.
