Online, Saves Time

Jobs and Training

Jobs at the council, plus other sources of training and advice.

Current Job Vacancies

Find jobs within the local authority and neighbouring authorities.

Equal Opportunities Information

Information on applying for posts and attending an interview.

Information and advice on Volunteering

Find out more on the Merthyr Tydfil Local Compact with the Voluntary Sector.

Vetting of Contract and Supplier Staff

Information on pre-employment checks that are carried out before an employee starts working for the Council.

Employability Partnership

Learn more about the Employability Partnership.

Employment and Training Schemes for Disabled People

Employment and Training Opportunities for Individuals who are Disabled.

Employment Advice

Employment Advice.

Work Experience

The Council offers work experience placements to anybody over the age of 14 in a wide range of areas. Whether you are a school, college or university student, looking to get back into work, or considering a change in career, work experience is a chance to gain an insight into the opportunities within the Council.

Employment Support

Providing 1-2-1 employment support and mentoring, assisting with: CV writing, application forms, job search, training, placements, interview preparation and help to start work.