Online, Saves Time

Current Vacancies

We reserve the right to close vacancies earlier than the closing date.

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council encourages applications from Welsh speakers. Application forms may be submitted in Welsh and any applications completed in Welsh will not be treated any less favourably than those submitted in English.

If you are successfully shortlisted for interview please contact to let us know if you would like your interview to be conducted through the medium of Welsh.

Corporate Vacancies

Corporate Vacancies

Search and apply for all Corporate Vacancies.

School and Youth Worker vacancies

School and Youth Worker vacancies

Search and apply for all School and Youth Work vacancies

Social Care Vacancies

Social Care Vacancies

Search and apply for all Social Care Vacancies.



Information and advice on Volunteering.

Work Experience

Work Experience

The Council offers unpaid work experience placements to anybody over the age of 14 in a wide range of areas.

Work Welsh Course

Work Welsh Course

If successful at interview all new employees excluding schools are required to complete a 10 hour online Work Welsh Course.

Fostering in Merthyr Tydfil

Fostering in Merthyr Tydfil

How do you take the first step towards becoming a foster carer and what can you expect? Fostering will change your life. It will challenge and reward you. Are you ready?