Staff Testimonials
Rach, Team Manager, Children’s Social Services
“I’ve worked as a Social Worker in Merthyr Children’s Services for over two years and due to support from my manager who understands my personal commitments, I feel I have a good work/life balance with flexibility. As a service everyone is friendly and supportive to each other allowing good working relationships between teams.
As a Team Manager I feel well supported by senior management in terms of my role as well as opportunities for professional development. Merthyr Tydfil is a very inclusive and supportive local authority to work for with flexible working options as well as an impressive range of support services to ensure our children and families can achieve their own personal outcomes. Staff have access to a diverse training calendar as well as systemic practitioners to really enhance the way we work.”
Nicola, Support Worker, Children’s Services
“MTCBC has offered a hybrid working option, which gives me the flexibility to balance my work and personal life.
The leadership team and managers in my department are approachable and offer support and guidance when needed, which creates a positive work environment.
Working in my local area to where I live, makes me feel that I contribute to the positive well-being of the community that I am part of.”
CLA Education Team Officer
“Great training opportunities, teams working together to achieve the best results, constantly evolving and reviewing processes and practice, support when needed.”
CLA Education Team Officer
“I work with a work family, not a team!”
CLA Education Team Manager
“I feel privileged to work for a Local Authority where staff work together so effectively to achieve best results for children and young people. Children’s Services have a clear commitment to service development and promotion of good staff wellbeing"
Lowri, Welfare Benefits Officer
“Being a Welfare Benefits Officer is a fantastic role, as you are engaging with the local community, and no two days are the same. Benefits is such a wide and diverse area, there is always something new to be learnt every day.
The Hub is an asset to Merthyr Tydfil, as everyone who visits will get a resolution to the issues they are facing. I am proud to work in an environment that can deliver exceptional service and results.
Working alongside other organisations and being able to access their services quickly, is a unique point that the Hub can offer. The Hub’s ability to work with our clients to achieve their desired outcome, is highly commended.”
Aaron, Homelessness Prevention & Early Intervention Officer
“I was attracted to the role as I could see that the staff who were already working in the role were making a real difference to people’s lives and helping them with not only their housing issues but also wider issues that evolve when someone’s housing situation is in turmoil.
Seeing and experiencing the positive difference I can make when practicing my day-to-day role as an EIP Officer, and being able to achieve outcomes for my service users that are sometimes life changing is an outright privilege. I have met some astonishing people in the time that I have been in the role, some of which have impacted my life in a meaningful and powerful way.
I thoroughly enjoy my job and I can honestly say that having tried many other career avenues, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. The authority and management are very supportive of career progression within the wider housing sector, and I am building my knowledge and understanding everyday to progress my career within housing.”
Social Worker, Children With Disabilities Team
"You feel valued and have access to opportunities to enhance your learning and practice. MTCBC feels inclusive and open to ideas/staff input."
Team Manager
"Working for Merthyr Tydfil has been a great experience. I started as a support worker 18 years ago and now I’m a team manager, which shows how much they support staff to grow. They’re forward-thinking and always open to new ideas, making sure everyone’s voice is heard. Merthyr Tydfil isn’t afraid to think outside the box and embrace change, which makes it an exciting place to work."
Social Services Employee
"I have worked for Merthyr Children’s Services for 20 years, in various roles. I am proud of the job that I do and of my colleagues around me. I work within a service which always focus’s on the children and their families, and how best to support them but my colleagues also care and look out for each other. During recent years I have experienced two significant bereavements, and my work family were there to support me, this made it so much easier to come back to work. Merthyr has a real sense of team and this can only benefit the families that we work with.
I have had the opportunity to develop my skills and experiences, being encouraged to grow outside of my comfort zone and can honestly say no two days are the same.
I absolutely love working for Merthyr!!"