School Budget Forum
Section 47A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, as amended by the Education Act 2002, required all Councils to establish a Schools Forum.
In accordance with the Schools Forums (Wales) Regulations 2003, Merthyr Tydfil CBCs Schools Forum has been established since 2004, and as per the regulations can be known locally as a ‘Schools Budget Forum’.
Councils are required to consult their Schools Budget Forum annually on:
- The local authority’s Schools budget
- Changes to scheme of delegation, including changes to funding formula and the likely impact of such changes.
- Contracts for supplies and services that exceed the prescribed threshold for procurement and
- Service level agreements for the supply of goods and services by the authority to schools.
The authority may also consult the Forum on the financial implications of other matters such as:
- Arrangements for free school meals
- Arrangements for insurance
- Arrangements for the education of pupils with special educational needs
- Arrangements for the use of pupil referral units and the education of children
otherwise than at school
- Early years education
- Allocation and use of specific grants
- School Transport
The Schools Budget Forum is made up of school representatives and non-school representatives.
The school representatives include:
- Head teachers - Primary, Secondary, Voluntary Aided, Welsh Medium & Special
- Governors
The non-school representatives include:
- Local Authority Officers, including Chief Education Officer & Chief Finance Officer
- Trade Union Representative
- Portfolio lead for Education Services
Below are the links to the School Forum & School Forum Working Group: Terms of Reference, Membership & Minutes
School Budget Forum
Terms of Reference
School Forum Terms of Reference
Membership by Sector and by Cluster
Minutes of the Forum
2022-09-28 School Budget Forum Minutes
2022-11-15 School Budget Forum Minutes
2022-12-16 School Budget Forum Special Minutes
2023-01-18 School Budget Forum Minutes
2023-02-02 School Budget Forum Minutes
2023-03-27 School Budget Forum Minutes
2023-07-11 School Budget Forum Redacted
2023-09-19 School Budget Forum Redacted
2023-11-14 School Budget Forum Minutes
2023-12-05 School Budget Forum Minutes
2024-01-11 School Budget Forum Minutes
2024-01-23 School Budget Forum Minutes
School Forum Working Group
Terms of Reference
School Forum Working Group Terms of Reference
Membership School Forum Working Group
Minutes of the Forum
2023-01-10 School Budget Forum Working Group
2023-03-14 School Budget Forum Working Group
2023-11-10 School Budget Forum Working Group