Abnormal load notifications
Abnormal loads are defined in The Road Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 and Subsequent Amendment Orders as any vehicle which exceeds at least one of the following limits:
- Over 40/44 tonne gross weight
- Over 5.03 metres high
- Over 2.9 metres wide
- Over 28.0 metres long (If a rigid vehicle – maximum allowable is 18.65 metres)
For full details of the requirements for movement of abnormal indivisible loads or vehicles by road when not complying with road vehicles regulations 1986 click on the link transporting abnormal loads.
Our responsibilities
We, as highway authority, are responsible for authorising all abnormal load vehicle movements using council maintained roads – not trunk roads.
Notification of abnormal loads can either be processed through the ESDAL website or by email to highways@merthyr.gov.uk two to five days in advance of the proposed movement.
Details of the proposed movement will be checked against records of bridge height and weight restrictions, and route suitability.