Highway Network Management Plan
The primary object of the Plan is to set out a policy in relation to all highways maintenance activities that are undertaken and to provide a written text of reference for officers located within the Highway Maintenance Section of the Engineering Services Department of Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.
Highways Team Officers undertake many duties and functions relating to the management of the existing highway network to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation by those whose activities impinge upon the maintainable highway. The Plan sets out to document the practices and procedures of the wide variety of duties and functions that the Highways Maintenance Section have to perform in as part of its day to day activities.
The Highway Network Management Plan makes good a major deficiency in the availability of a reference document for highway management activities which take up a sizeable proportion of the working day, as well as providing much needed information for the induction of existing and newly appointed staff. The highway network is vital to the people of Merthyr Tydfil, for those who live and
work here together with those who visit and invest.
Managing and maintaining the highway is an increasingly demanding task given the need to mitigate the effects of damage caused by increased traffic flows, heavier and larger vehicles and increased activity by utility companies whilst, in real terms, revenue budgets have fallen.
An established set of practices and procedures is intended to bring about a consistency of approach from all members of staff responsible for carrying out these duties, thus clarifying the Authority's stance and position on these matters to all concerned. The adopted format incorporating standardised letters and documentation goes towards providing a more efficient and effective delivery of service to customers and achieve a proper fulfilment of the Highway Authority’s obligations.
It is intended that this document together with other existing documents e.g.
(a) Highways Act 1980
(b) Code of Practice for Maintenance Management
(c) Winter Maintenance Plan
(d) Contract documentation for externally tendered works
(e) Specification for Highway Works
(f) Street Lighting Policy
(g) New Roads & Street Works Act 1991 Procedural Manual.
(h) Traffic Management Act 2004
should provide the majority of the information required for the Highway Maintenance Section to execute its duties.
To see the Highway Network Management Plan , please contact us using the details to the bottom of the page.